Art Material Drive + Swap

Next date TBD in 2024

Drop in at Aplomb gallery to donate or swap lightly used art materials. The supplies we collect will be used to add to our art kits for trauma survivors. It is best if they fit into 9x12 padded envelopes. Refreshments will be served.

Add to Calendar

Starting in 2024, The Aplomb Project will be assembling art kits with sketchbooks and activity prompts to groups that work directly with trauma survivors. If you know of an organization or therapist that would like to have art kits on hand to distribute, email

In the meantime, request a label

If you would like to make an in-kind donation of lightly used supplies in a 9x12 padded envelope we email you a shipping label to print if you request one below.

Or mail directly to our shipping address: The Aplomb Project at 14 Kelley Drive, Dover, NH 03820.

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EIN #92-1844895
The Aplomb Project
15 Mechanic Street, Suite 117
Dover, NH 03820

All Rights Reserved Web Design by D Graphics
View the Aplomb Gallery Website

Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy | Accessibility Statement

The Aplomb Project is a non-profit a 501(c)3 organization that uses the transformative power of art to uplift trauma survivors, promote creative healing, and present inclusive artistic opportunities. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Aplomb Gallery resides at Cocheco (CO-chi-co) on N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na), now called Dover, New Hampshire, which is the unceded traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki (a-BEN-a-ki), Pennacook and Wabanaki Peoples, past and present. We acknowledge and honor with gratitude the land, waterways, living beings and the Aln8bak (Al-nuh-bak), the people who have stewarded N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na) for many millennia.