Art Celebrating Strength

The Aplomb Project is a 501(c)3 organization that uses the transformative power of art to uplift trauma survivors, offer expressive healing, and foster an inclusive creative community.

We were featured on CBS!

Aplomb stands for self-confidence, self-assurance and poise; especially under the most trying circumstances.

Through collaborative artistic expression, The Aplomb Project pays tribute to those who have experienced life-altering trauma. Contemporary portrait artist, Danielle Festa, captures the resilience of trauma survivors, gifting the resulting oil portrait to the voluntary participants to celebrate their courage and strength.

Throughout the year, the Aplomb Project sustains survivor support and empowerment with a healing centered approach to creative and mindful events and prompts via the Aplomb Community open to survivors and allies.

Do you know how to best support survivors?

Chances are you know or will know a trauma survivor. Do you know the right things to say and what to avoid? We asked survivors and compiled a guide to help you navigate.


5 Ways to Be the Best Ally

Download the Guide

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Thank You Sponsors


the Closet Connection

The Lakeside Inn

D and R Paving


team hamblin
Law Office of Michael E Festa
Law Offices of Anthony Guardia

Chapel and Main

The Haven at Lee

Cambridge Trust

Sun Spirit Photography
Gundalow Company
Jewelry Creations
Rockport Harbor Hotel.
team hamblin
eight legged octopus
Law Office of Michael Festa
Law Office of Anthony Guardia


Garrison Hill Florist

Beacon Hill Retirement Group

First Seacoast Bank

Terra Cotta Pasta


Rosemary and Co

Money Museum of Boston

Boys and Girls Club
Those who can for those in need
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EIN #92-1844895
The Aplomb Project
15 Mechanic Street, Suite 117
Dover, NH 03820

All Rights Reserved Web Design by D Graphics
View the Aplomb Gallery Website

Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy | Accessibility Statement

The Aplomb Project is a non-profit a 501(c)3 organization that uses the transformative power of art to uplift trauma survivors, promote creative healing, and present inclusive artistic opportunities. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Aplomb Gallery resides at Cocheco (CO-chi-co) on N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na), now called Dover, New Hampshire, which is the unceded traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki (a-BEN-a-ki), Pennacook and Wabanaki Peoples, past and present. We acknowledge and honor with gratitude the land, waterways, living beings and the Aln8bak (Al-nuh-bak), the people who have stewarded N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na) for many millennia.