The Aplomb Project Gala

We forgot to put our guestbook out, let us know what you thought!

Art Celebrating Strength

Thank you to everyone who joined us at Aplomb Gallery for the Portrait Project exhibition featuring survivor paintings that celebrate resilience and strength. We also extend our gratitude to those who attended the gala at Chapel + Main! Your presence, donations and energy created a memorable experience for the portrait recipients and for everyone who felt the power of a supportive community.

If you couldn't attend, please take a moment to view the video and photos on this page. You can also join us at our first Boston-area gala September 20, 2024. Alternatively, consider making a donation to support the mission to use the transformative power of art to uplift trauma survivors, promote creative healing and present inclusive artistic opportunities.

See the 2024 portrait reveal video and speeches

See the photos by Sun Spirit Photography

Thank You Sponsors


the Closet Connection


Chapel and Main

The Haven at Lee

Cambridge Trust

Sun Spirit Photography
Gundalow Company
Jewelry Creations
Rockport Harbor Hotel.


Garrison Hill Florist

Beacon Hill Retirement Group

First Seacoast Bank

Terra Cotta Pasta


Rosemary and Co

Eight Legged Octopus

Thank you additional raffle/auction donors!

Green Elephant, Amanda Kidd-Kelser Erica Nazzaro, Boston Red Sox, The Art Center, Culture Experience, Trainriders, Farnsworth Museum, Safe Haven Ballet, Breakaway Cafe, La Festa Pizzera, The Printing Press, Rosemary + Co, Now a Days Flowers, Hip Finds, Downtown Dog Grooming, Upright Acupuncture, Replenish, Erin Claire, My Country Story, SEH Studios and the Woodman Museum

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EIN #92-1844895
The Aplomb Project
15 Mechanic Street, Suite 117
Dover, NH 03820

All Rights Reserved Web Design by D Graphics
View the Aplomb Gallery Website

Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy | Accessibility Statement

The Aplomb Project is a non-profit a 501(c)3 organization that uses the transformative power of art to uplift trauma survivors, promote creative healing, and present inclusive artistic opportunities. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Aplomb Gallery resides at Cocheco (CO-chi-co) on N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na), now called Dover, New Hampshire, which is the unceded traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki (a-BEN-a-ki), Pennacook and Wabanaki Peoples, past and present. We acknowledge and honor with gratitude the land, waterways, living beings and the Aln8bak (Al-nuh-bak), the people who have stewarded N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na) for many millennia.