apply for a portrait 

If you have been through a life challenge and are ready to celebrate the strength you have found, a contemporary oil painting is a permanent way to mark this courageous moment.

Each tribute painting is a collaboration between artist Danielle Festa and the survivor. Meeting up in-person or via Zoom with one-on-one session(s) to get to you and allows for an emotional and personal connection to the painting. Looking at various historical portraits, survivors decide on a point of inspiration. Attire is also an important part of Festa's paintings so textiles and fibers will be incorporated. An in-person modelling session will be planned including a photography shoot to capture references. Survivors are invited to a weekend in Dover, NH to celebrate with several in-person events in addition to monthly healing activities our online community.

The Aplomb Project works on securing funds from sponsors and individual supporters in order to give each final painting to each survivor at the conclusion of the annual exhibition. Every year Danielle is able to paint 6-8 survivor portraits representing diverse stories and backgrounds to inspire others that healing is possible.

The Portrait Project Book

More than a collection of art and poetry, "The Portrait Project" highlights the inspiring resilience and courage of trauma survivors in the form of contemporary oil paintings, accompanying stories and powerful poetry.

All proceeds go towards supporting The Aplomb Project's mission.

Download the e-book with a donation of $1, $5 or $10 or purchase the hard copy on

The Aplomb Project is a 501(c)3 organization that uses the transformative power of art to uplift trauma survivors, promotes creative healing and presents inclusive artistic opportunities.

See upcoming events here.

If you or someone you know has experienced trauma and are looking for support, here are some reputable organzations that are available to help.

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EIN #92-1844895
The Aplomb Project
15 Mechanic Street, Suite 117
Dover, NH 03820

All Rights Reserved Web Design by D Graphics
View the Aplomb Gallery Website

Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy | Accessibility Statement

The Aplomb Project is a non-profit a 501(c)3 organization that uses the transformative power of art to uplift trauma survivors, promote creative healing, and present inclusive artistic opportunities. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Aplomb Gallery resides at Cocheco (CO-chi-co) on N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na), now called Dover, New Hampshire, which is the unceded traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki (a-BEN-a-ki), Pennacook and Wabanaki Peoples, past and present. We acknowledge and honor with gratitude the land, waterways, living beings and the Aln8bak (Al-nuh-bak), the people who have stewarded N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na) for many millennia.